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BARRIEAU, Edmond A., "Famille Beriau Family", Edmond A. Barrieau, New Britain, CT. April 1991

BANIGAN, J., Letter to the Editor, American Fabric, No. 7 3rd Quarter, 1948

BERGERON, Adrien, "Le grand arrangement des acadiens au Quebec", premier volume, Editions Elysee, 1988

BERIAU, O. A., Peasant Potters of Beauce, American Ceramics Society, April 15 1944, p.151. (3, 18)

BLACK, Conrad, Render Unto Caesar: The Life and Legacy of Maurice Duplessis, Key Porter Books, 1998

CARELESS, J.M.S., Canada: A Story of Challenge, MacMillian of Canada, Toranto St. Martins, New York, 1972. (2)

COHEN, Yolande, Femmes de Parole, L’Histoire des Cercles de Fermières du Québec 1915-1990, Le Jour Editeur, Québec, 1990

CROSBY, Joni S., A History of the Evolution of the Teaching of Textiles and Weaving in Québec Since 1905, Thesis in the Department of Art Education, Concordia University, Montréal, March 1987

HARRISON, Ethel M., Guild of Canadian Weavers Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, Feb. & Apr. 1960 (Extracted by Jo-Anne Tabachek)

HARRISON, H.,"National Reference Book of Canadian Men and Women", page 91-92, Fifth Edition, Canadian Newspaper Service Registered, 1936

INDUSTRY CANADA/INDUSTRIE CANADA, Canadian Intellectual Property Office, web site, 2000

GAGNE, Mrs. Charles, Pages D’Histoire (1915-1965) des Cerles de Fermières, Ministère de L’Agriculture et de la Colonisation du Québec, 1965

GIBBON, J.M. Contribution to the editir, Québec Handcraft, House & Garden, June 1944, p.2 (23)

HARRISON, E. M. Vol. 3, No. 2, April 1960 (22)

LACOURSIERE, J., PROVENCHER J., VAUGEOIS D., "Canada/Quebec synthese historique", Editions de Renouveau Padagogique Inc. Montreal, 3e trimestre, 1970

LANCASTER, Daryle, What’s Hot in Fashion, Handwoven Magazine, Interweave Press, Jan/Feb 2003 (1)

LECLERC, Robert, Centenaire de la Compagnie Nilus Leclerc Inc., 1976

LECLERC, Robert, Origine du Filage et du Tissage au Canada, Québec, 2002

MANNERS, Nina, Over the 125 Years of Weaving Tradition,, February 2002

McNAUGHT, Kenneth, The Penquin History of Canada, Penquin Books, Great Britain, 1988

MINSISTERS OF AGRICULTURE, Report of the Minister of Agriculture of the Province of Québec, Printed by order of the Legislature, Québec, Annual Reports covering 1919 to 1963 (4 - 11)

PINEAU, Line and Samson, Denis, Je Me Souviens: Les Monuments Funérares des Premiers Ministres du Québec, Commission de la Capitale National du Québec, 1999

POTVIN, Damase, L’Ecole des Arts Domestiques, Aux Fenetres du Parlement de Québec, Editions de La Pierre, Québec, 1942 (12-15, 17)

NORTH BAY DAILY NUGGET, "Many Fine Exhibits Seen at Display of Handicraft" Published by North Bay Daily Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, October 12, 1946

TABACHEK, Jo-Anne, "Our Weaving History Guild of Canadian Weavers, Manitoba Branch",, July 1997

TANGUAY, Crprien, "Dictionnaire genealogique Des familes canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'a nos jours" Editions Elysee, depot legal, 4e Trimestre, 1991 (MDCCCLXXXVII) 1887

SEARLE GRAIN CO., "Hand Loom Weaving", Arranged and published by Searle Grain Company Ltd., Winnipeg, July, 1944 (23)

WELDON, P. Text rom photographed display, Exhibition Convergence 1986 (16)

Interviews include Simone Bériau Poirier, June 2002 (20) and R. Leclerc. June 2002 (21)

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Jean-Paul Picard 2001-09     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED